iOS 14 Back Tap

There is this cool new feature on iOS 14 called Back Tap. It adds cool functionalty to taping the back of your iPhone two or three times to generate an action. I use two taps to toggle on and off my iPhone Flash Light. How? Well, 1st, you need to create a shortcut that toggles the light. This is the shortcut (and a link to access it):

And here is the link: Toggle Light Shortcut.

(If you get a message about not being allowed to download untrusted shortcuts, you will need to enable this capability in Settings:Shortcuts. Check this out at this link)

Once you create (or download) the shortcut, open Settings: Accessibility: Touch: Back Tap. Click on either Doule Tap or Triple Tap. Scroll down to the shortcuts and select the Toggle Light shortcut.

That’s it. You can get a false trigger if it you drop your phone and it see it as a double or triple tap. Enjoy.

~ Rick

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©2020 Rick Cartwright

Rick Cartwright