Upper Body 10/11/2024
That was not a typical workout. I gave blood yesterday and it appears I didn’t sleep great. I use my Apple Watch to track my sleep and it showed the lowest sleep score I have ever had. I felt ok, but the weights were all heavy and strength was off. I did my workout, but kept the volume a little lower and weights a little lighter.
True Chest Press: 40 x15, 130 x5, 215 x3,, 190 x4, -
True Row: 40 x15, 130 x5, 240 x4-, 190 x5-, --
Pec Deck: 160 x6, 160 x6-, -
Reverser grip Pull-down: 190 x5, 190 x5, -
True seated OH Press: 70 x8, 90 x 7, -
15° Trap Shrugs: 27- x7, 270 x6, -
Seated DB side laterals: 30 x6, 30 x 6, -
Supported rev DB laterals : 35 x7, 35 x7, -
Hammer Tri PD machine: 35 x 7, 35 x7
Hammer Preacher Machine: 45 x10, 45 x10
Weighted seated cable abs 100 x20, x20, x20
I finished off with 20 minutes on the elliptical.
This was frustrating, but I got the job done. I will try to use the day to recover and hit it tomorrow.
My diet yesterday slightly off plan. Not real plan for that but it just happened. I started with 0.4 oz of bison liver, 0.7 oz of oysters, 10 oz of ground bison, and 4 eggs.. Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was around 7 oz sirloin and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 1.5 hours before bed.
I walked 17,000 steps yesterday. My weight was about a pound lower this morning. Bodyfat was 16.7 lbs.
~ Rick