Lower Body / Leg Day 11/19/2024

Another super workout .. that sounds like a broken record, but they keep coming. Here is today’s workout:

Trap Bar Deadlift: 140 x10, 230 x4, 320x1, 355 x4, 355 x5 .. less sets, but more volume! Leg Ext: 30 x15, 70 x6, 120 x4, 177.5 x5, 177.5 x5
Seated Cals :95 x15 180 x6, 250 x4, 315 x5, 315 x5

Smith Machine Squats 145 x5, 145 x5
Standing Single-Leg Curl: 65 x5-, 65 x5-
LP Calves: 356 x8, 356 x8

Reverse Hyper:. 180 x , 10, 10

Hanging leg lifts +25# x10, +25# x10

I finished up with sprints and then 10 minutes of elliptical .

Great workout .. thats all I have to say.

My diet yesterday on plan. Meal 1 was 0.6 oz of bison liver and 0.7 oz of oysters, a can of sardines, 10 oz of bison, 4 eggs and a tablespoon of MCT oil. . Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison, 4 eggs and a tablespoon of MCT. . Meal 3 was 9 oz Sirloin beef sirloin steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before my workout and about 1 hours before bed. 

I had just over 18,000 steps yesterday. My weight was up to 181 lbs again, likely water.

~ Rick.