Lower Body / Leg Day 11/02/2024
I sure enjoyed the workout today. I just love leg days. I doubled the volume from last time (last Sunday).. Here is the workout:
I started with a set of light leg extensions, leg curls, lseated calf and bar only RDLs. :
RDL: 135 x5, 245 x3, 355 x 4, 4, -
Front Squats: 95x4, 135x3, 165 x3, 145 x4, -
Seated Calf:164 x6, 310 x5, 310 x5, -
Leg Ext: 170 x6, 170 x6, -
Lying Leg Curl: 102.5 x6, 102.5 x6, -
LP Calf: 339 x9, 339 x8, -
Hanging Leg Raise: 25# ball x8, 8, -
Reverse Hyper 385 x8, 385 x8, -
I finished off with 8 sets of sprints using a 135 lbs sled and 11 minutes on the elliptical.
I equaled my RDL PR today and got a front squat PR but I was a rep short of my targets. .
My diet yesterday was on plan. I started with 0.4 oz of bison liver, 0.6 oz of oysters, 1 can of sardines, 10 oz of ground bison, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was a 12 oz sirloin steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 1 hours before bed.
I walked just over 15,000 steps yesterday. My weight was 180.4 lbs lbs and body fat is stable.
~ Rick