Upper Body 12/23/2024

The cable is still not fixed so this is the same as last week by the weights were improved and it felt great. Here is the workout;

Incline Press (smith) +0 x +30 x5, +85 x5, +85 x5 Seated Cable Row: 60 x10, 130 x5, 205 x6, 205 x6

Pec Deck 170 x6-, 170 x6- finally got 6! Weighted pullup (neutral grip): +30 x6, +30 x–--

Smith Machine OH Press: +70 x4, +70 x4. 15° Trap Shrugs: 320 x6, 320 x6

Single Arm Cable Side Lateral: 65 x5, 65 x6- Face pull 190 x8, 195 x7

Rope Pushdown: 122.5 x6 122.5 x5 Precher Curl Machine: 87.5 x4, 85 x5

Spider curls 25 x5 (used a proper spider support bench)

Weighted Chruch 140 x6, 140 x6, 140 x10?

Knees-over-toes stuff and hopping

Given my poor sleep and the late game Saturday night this was much better than I anticipated. It rocked.

My diet yesterday was not good. I missed a meal due to sleep issues and the late night football game. I would not have missed that opportunity for anything, but it did cause a problem for my sleep patterns and meals. What did I do: I started the day with 1 tablespoon of MCT, 6 oz of salmon, ½ avocado and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was yogurt and 2 scoops of a meal replacemt powder. Meal 3 was 10 oz of ground bison and 4 eggs. I finished with another serving of Yogurt and protein powder. .

I walked just under 6,000 steps yesterday. My weight today was 179 lbs and bodyfat was 16.1 lbs.

~ Rick