Lower Body / Leg Day 9/19/2024

I was sure feeling excited for leg day when I went to bed last nighty. I was still pumped for this workout when I woke up. It was a great leg day. Here is the workout:

Hack Squats: +0 x10, +140 x 5, +220 x5, +220 x5, +220 x5
Good Mornings: 90 x6, 135 x5, 200 x5, 200 x5, 200 x4
Seated Calves:140 x15, 200 x8, 310 x5,310 x6, 310 x6

Old Leg Ext: 180 x6, 180 x6, 180 x6
True Seated Leg Curl: 150 x5, 150 x5, 150 x5
LP Calves: 283 x10, 283 x10, 283 x10

Hanging Leg Rise + @0# x 10, 11, 11

Sprints for 8 reps with rest between those reps than 10 minutes of elliptical.

That leg day did not disappoint. Everything felt great. I kept 1 RIR for all three sets. It’s hard to measure RIR for good mornings. I felt like I had 1 or 2 left with good form. The depth of both was outstanding.

My diet yesterday was on plan. I started with 0.5 oz of bison liver and 1 oz of oysters, 10 oz of bison, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was 12 oz of piedmontese sirloin steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 1 hours before bed. 

My step count was a little lower yesterday at 14,983 steps. It will be higher today.

My weight was slightly down today to just over 179. Fat levels were up a bit but that was a scale thing. I am feeling great.

~ Rick

Rick Cartwright