Lower Body / Leg Day 9/22/2024

Thius weekend required some flexibility. I had some technical issues with my new iPhone. Saturday morning I didn’t do my. normal leg day workout. I did some cardio and got a mild pump but moved the heavy leg day to Sunday morning. So this entry is for Saturday but on Sunday.

The workout was great. I felt really focused and strong. I was not sure how heavy to go since I have deadlifts in 2 days, but here is what I did.

RDL: 135 x5, 245 x3, 330 x 4, 330 x 4, 330 x 4
Front Squats: 95x4, 115x4, 150 x4, 145 x4, 140 x4
Standing Calf:96 x10, 215 x5, 288 x6, 288 x8, 288 x8

Old Leg Ext: 182.5 x 5, 182.5 x 4, 182.5 x5
Lying Leg Curl: 110 x5, 110 x5, 110 x5
LP Calf: 288 x8, 288 x8, 288 x8

Hanging Leg Raise: 20# ball x10, 11, 11

Reverse Hyper 450 x11, 450 x11, 450 x11

I finished off with 8 sets of sprints using a 135 lbs sled and 10 minutes on the elliptical.

The seated calf machine was out for painting, so I did only standing calf raises. Leg curls were a little off today. I assume that was due to the increase in front squats. weight.

My diet yesterday was not on plan. I started with 0.5 oz of bison liver, 1 oz of oysters, 10 oz of ground bison, and 4 eggs (1 duck). Meal 2 was yogurt and protein… not the plan, but a crazy day. Meal 3 was an 8 oz sirloin steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 2 hours before bed.

I walked 12,500 steps yesterday. My weight was just over 178 lbs this morning . Fat levels are steady near 17 lbs.

~ Rick

WorkoutRick CartwrightWorkout