Lower Body / Leg Day 9/24/2024

I had a good workout today. I was not sure since I did legs on Sunday and it included heavy RDLs, but it was good. Here is the workout:

Trap Bar Deadlift: 140 x10, 230 x4, 320x1, 360 x4, 360 x4, 360 x4 Older Leg Ext: 30 x15, 70 x6, 120 x4, 180 x6, 180 x6, 180 x6
Standing Cals (seated N/A) :96 x15 164 x6, 215 x5, 288 x9, 288 x9-, 288 x9

Smith Machine Squats (deep): 140 x4, 140 x4, 140 x4
Standing Single-Leg Curl: 62.5 x4, 62.5 x4, 62.5 x4
LP Calves: 288 x9, 288 x9, 288 x9

Reverse Hyper:. 450 x , 11, 11, 11

Hanging leg lifts +20# x 11, +20# x11, +20# x11

I was pleased with this workout. Deadlifts at 4 reps is different for me, but it’s feeling good. My pace today was faster than I shoud move .. I need more rest time. Overall, a great workout. 

My diet yesterday was on plan. I started with 0.5 oz of bison liver and 1 oz of oysters, 10 oz of bison, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was 10 oz of ground beef, and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before my early morning workout and about 2 hours before bed. 

My weight is steady. Energy levels was high today and it showed up in my pacing. The full workout was about 10 minutes faster than last week.

~ Rick

WorkoutRick CartwrightWorkout