Lower Body / Leg Day 1/4/2025
Saturday .. leg day! It was a great workout. I made some progress and I am excited about my progress. The details: follow:
I started with a set of light leg extensions, leg curls, lseated calf and bar only RDLs.
RDL: 135 x5, 245 x3, 325 x4, 325 x4 (smooth and good ROM) Front Squats: 95x4, 115x3, 145 x4, 145 x4 (Really happy with my deep on these today) LP Calf: 198 x6, 266 x6, 385 x6, 385 x6
Leg Ext: 192.5 x6, 192.5 x6 Lying Leg Curl: 115 x4, 115 x4 (wanted 5 but it was just not there) LP Calf: 385 x6, 385 x6
Hanging Leg Raise: 25# ball x16, 16, 16
Reverse Hyper 320 x10, 10, 10
I did 3 sets as follows:
Knees over toes work - 3 sets of 17,
Some Hopping including one legged.
I finished off with 8 sets of sprints using a 135 lbs sled and 12 minutes on the elliptical.
The squats felt super good but I was starting to feel my form break down on the last rep. It was not in my back or quads, but shoulders and arms were done.
My diet yesterday was on track. I started with 0.5 oz of bison liver, 0.7 oz of oysters, 1 can of sardines, 10 oz of ground bison / beef mix, a tablespoon for MCT, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison / beef mix and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was a sirllon steak and 4 eggs. The steak was not big enough at 6.5 oz or so. I had yogurt and protein before early morning workout with a tablespoon of MCT. About 1 hours before bed I had more yogurt and protein.
I walked just over 13,000 steps yesterday. My weight was up to 181.1 and body fat steady.
~ Rick