Lower Body / Leg Day 1/6/2025
With no day off this week I was not sure how this workout would turn out. The crazy thing is how amazing it was. Increases on every exercise. Maybe there is a new learning here … we will see. The details: :
Trap Bar Deadlift: 140 x10, 230 x4, 320x1, 365x5, 365 x5 (Good progress .. weight going up next week) Leg Ext: 30 x15, 70 x6, 120 x4, 195 x4, 195 x4
LP Calfs 113 x15 198 x6, 266 x4, 385 x7, 385 x7
Smith Machine Squats 145 x5, 140 x5 (+2 today. Great depth and progress!)
Standing Single-Leg Curl: 60.0 x5, 60.0 x5
LP Calves: 385 x7, 385 x7
Reverse Hyper x11, 320 x11, 320 x11
Hanging leg lifts +25# x16, +25# x17, +25# x17
Some hops (3 sets of 30) plus one legged jumps)
Weighted sled sprints .. 135# for 8 reps
I finished up with 12 minutes on the elliptical. .
This was a super great workout. I was on mentally and physically.
My diet yesterday was on plan. Meal 1 was 0.7 oz of bison liver and 0.9 oz of oysters, about 6 oz of salmon, 6 eggs and a tablespoon of MCT oil. . Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison / ground beef mix, and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was 10 oz of ground bison / ground beef mix and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before my workout with a tablespoon of MCT. . I then had more yogurt with protein about 1 hours before bed.
I had just over 14,200 steps yesterdsy/ My weight was 181.2 pounds. The scale said my bodyfat was 14.5 pounds. That is clearly not right but directionally I love it.
~ Rick