Upper Body 2/24/2025

My energy level was good today and the workout was super. The details follow:

Cable chest press 40x10, 100x5, 145 x4, 145 x4 (+2)
Seated Cable Row: 60 x10, 130 x5, 220 x5, 220 x5 (+2)

Cable Chest Fly: 130 x4, 130 x4 (+2)
Weighted pullup (neutral grip): +40 x5, +40 x5- (+2)

Smith Machine OH Press: +80 x1, +80 x2, +75 x6 (+1)
The 1st set I had a the safety pin too high. I reset and tried again, only to fail at 2 reps. I backed it down and did last weeks weight at +1.
15° Trap Shrugs: 360 x5, 360 x5 (+2)

Single Arm Cable Side Lateral: 80 x4, 80 x5 (+2)
Cable Reverse fly: 70 x5, 70 x5 (+2)

DB Spider curls: 50 x6, 50 x6 <+2 data-preserve-html-node="true">
Rope Pushdown: 137.5 x4 137.5 x5 (+2)
Precher Curl Machine: 92.5 x5-, 92.5 x4 (+1)

Weighted Chruch 150 x11, x11, x11
Knees over toes work (3 sets) and hopping.

I finished up with 23 minutes on the elliptical.

I really enjoyed the workout today. Everyt9ing felt great and I made good progress.

My diet yesterday was on plan. I started the day with full fat yogurt and protein before my AM cardio. Post cardio I had 6 oz of salmon and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison / beef mixed and 4 eggs. I added more full-fat yogurt protein and a beef stick shorly after that meal. Meal 3 was 10 oz of ground bison / beef mixed and 4 eggs. About 2 hours before bed I had full fat yogurt and protein.

I walked 13,943 steps yesterday. My weight today was 183.4 pounds. Yesterday I was at 14.6 pounds of fat .. that sure did not seem real.

~ Rick