WebAuthn and Passwords

This is the headline that greeted me on Tuesday morning: The web just took a big step toward a password-free future.

This sounds really exciting. I have written about passwords a few times. Most recently, I attempted to describe how to create good passwords and keep track of them. You can read that post here.

Now back to this exciting news. Without getting to deep, let me try to explain what this is about. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recently approved a new standard for authentication. WebAuthn is way for websites to validate a users identity using security devices. An example is a FIDO Security Key. I am hopeful that some form of touch sensor, or facial ID can be designed to be secure enough to also work.

I will post more when this gets closer to reality. If you want to get into the details, here is the full W3C and FIDO announcement. That is a good starting point, but you can find more across the web using a little Google-fu. Enjoy.

I sure hope it comes quickly!

~ Rick

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