Upper Body 10/14/2024

I had a good workout today. I’ll just get right to the details:

Cable chest press 40x10, 100x5, 147.5 x5-, 147.5 x4, 145 x5
Seated Cable Row: 60 x10, 130 x5, 222.5 x5, 222.5 x5, 222.5 x5-

Cable Chest Fly: 135 x5, 137.5 x4, 135 x5
Weighted pullup (neutral grip): +42.5 x4, +42.5 x4, +402.5 45

Smith Machine OH Press: +75 x2-, +30 x8, +40 x7
15° Trap Shrugs: 320 x5, 320 x5, 320 x5

Single Arm Cable Side Lateral: 72.5 x6, 72.5 x6, 72.5 x 8
Rear Fly chest supported 30 x8, 30 x8, 30 x8

Rope Pushdown: 130 x6 130 x6
Precher Curl Machine: 80 x6, 80 x6

Weighted Chruch 140 x15, 140 x15, 140 x15

I have been wanting to deal with a couple of challenges and decided to dive in today. First, I was listening to a recent Mind Pump podcast this past week on range of motion for overhead presses. I felt I had opened up my ROM lately, but they suggest taking the bar down to the clavicle. I was taking it down to just at the bottom of the chin. Today I tried it …. Wow, that is difficult. I had to lower the weight but it felt good and I plan to stick with it.

The second change was to remove the face pulls and move to reverse flys. I did that but put a focus on form to work the rear delts and not the traps, etc.. See this Link.

Overall this was a good workout. I am pleased with my progress.

My diet yesterday was on plan. I started the day with 6 oz of wild caught salmon, 4 eggs and 1/2 of an avocado. Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was 10 oz ground bison and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 1 hours before bed. 

I walked just under 11,000 steps yesterday. My weight today was just under 179 lbs with about 16.5 lbs of fat.

~ Rick