Lower Body / Leg Day 10/03/2024

After yesterdays workout I was hopeful for a return to normal. I did get a good sleep and did not overdo it yesterday. It turned out great! Here is the workout:

I started with a set of leg extensions, leg curls and calfs to warm up .. light and easy.

Hack Squats: +0 x10, +140 x 5, +230 x4, +230 x4, +230 x4

Good Mornings: 90 x6, 135 x5, 205 x4, 205 x4, 205 x4

Standing / leg press Calves:164 x6, 215 x5, 310 x6, 310 x7, 310 x7

Old Leg Ext: 187.5 x4-, 187.5 x4, 187.5 x4

True Seated Leg Curl: 155 x6, 155 x6, 155 x6

LP Calves: 310 x7, 310 x7, 310 x7

Hanging Leg Rise + 20# x 13, 13, 13

Sprints for 8 reps then 10 minutes of elliptical.

What a great workout. Everything felt great.

My diet yesterday was on plan except I skipped my liver and oysters. Meal 1 was 6 oz of salmon, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 1 hour before bed.

My step count was just under 16,000. I had a good night of sleep and it showed up in my workout today.

My weight was just under 179 lbs today and body-fat is holding steady . continues to hold steady.

~ Rick

Rick Cartwright