Lower Body / Leg Day 11/05/2024

I was a little off today but still was able to get a good workout. It was not my best performance, but it was good to get it done.

Trap Bar Deadlift: 140 x10, 230 x4, 320x1, 370 x2, 370 x2, 340 x4 Leg Ext: 30 x15, 70 x6, 120 x4, 172.5 x5, 172.5 x5, 172.5 x5
Seated Cals :95 x15 180 x6, 230 x4, 310 x6, 310 x5, 310 x6

Smith Machine Squats 150 x4, 110 x6, 130 x6
Standing Single-Leg Curl: 60 x6, 60 x5, 60 x6
LP Calves: 351x5, 351 x5, 351 x6

I skipped on Reverse Hyper and abs today.

Not bad but not up to my normal. I’ll take it.

My diet yesterday on plan. Meal 1 was 0.6 oz of bison liver and 0.8 oz of oysters, a can of sardines, 10 oz of bison, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz sirloin steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before my workout and about 1 hours before bed. 

I had over 20,000 steps yesterday. My weight was up stable at 180.2 lbs body fat at 16.9 lbs which is a little above average but likely noise.

~ Rick.