Upper Body 12/09/2024
Back to the normal Monday workout today. We will see how the day goes since I plan to donate blood at noon and hope that does not. Impact my workout tomorrow. Now back to what I did today:
Cable chest press 40x10, 100x5, 137.5 x5, 137.5 x4
Seated Cable Row: 60 x10, 130 x5, 202.5 x6, 202.5 x6
Cable Chest Fly: 122.5 x5, 122.5 x5-
Weighted pullup (neutral grip): +30 x5-, +30 x5-
Smith Machine OH Press: +65 x5, +65 x5
15° Trap Shrugs: 315 x5, 315 x5
Single Arm Cable Side Lateral: 62.5 x5, 62.5 x5
Cable reverse fly 50 x6, 50 x6
Rope Pushdown: 117.5 x7 120 x5
Precher Curl Machine: 85 x5--, 85 x4
Spider curls 45 x6
Weighted Chruch 125 x13, 125 x13, 125 x8 (different equipment)
This was aother amazing workout. I had great focus and it felt so great.
My diet yesterday was on plan. I started the day with 0.6 oz of bison liver, .7 oz of oysters, 1 tablespoon of MCT, 6 oz of salmon, ana small avocado, small avocado, a small avocado, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison and 4 eggs.. Meal 3 was ground beef and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein with and a tablespoon of MCT before early morning cardio and about 1 hours before bed I had yogurt and protein.
I walked just over 13,000 steps yesterday. My weight today was 180.1 lbs..
~ Rick