Upper Body 8/30/2024

I was a little concerned about how my back would respond to a workout today that started with some back work. I was able to go heavy (for me) and work the full range of motion with no pain or discomfort. It was a great workout. Here is the workout details:

True Chest Press: 40 x15, 130 x5, 210 x4-, 205 x4, 205 x4
True Row: 40 x15, 130 x5, 225 x6-, 225 x6, 230 x4

Pec Deck: 185 x4, 185 x4-, 185 x4
Reverser grip Pull-down: 200 x5, 200 x5, 200 x5

True seated OH Press: 120 x4, 120 x 4, 120 x4
15° Trap Shrugs: 295x6, 295 x6, 295 x6

The equipment I use for Cable Side Laterals was not available,so I used dumbbell again. Then for rear delts, I set sideways in the pec deck and did arm arm work. .

Seated DB laterals: 30 x 6, 30 x 8, 30 x9
Rev One Arm Pec Deck : 50 x10, 55 x10, 60 x10

Weighted Leg +20# ball x8, x8, x10

Tomorow will be a good test. Right now I am thinking I will do my normal workout for Saturday but go light on the RDLs and Squats. We will see.

~ Rick