Lower Body / Leg Day 9/12/2024

I had a great workout today. Here it is:

Hack Squats: +0 x10, +140 x 5, +215 x5, +220 x4, +220 x4
Good Mornings: 90 x6, 135 x5, 195 x5, 195 x5, 195 x6
Seated Calves:140 x15,200x8, 305 x5,305 x4, 305 x4

Old Leg Ext: 175 x6, 175 x6, 175 x6
True Seated Leg Curl: 165 x5, 145 x6, 145 x6
LP Calves: 276 x10, 276 x20, 276 x10

I added some weighted (20 lbs) hanging leg raises but took out the adductors and abductors… I just can’t overload them with the equipment.. I kept the new leg position on the hack squats with a narrower and lower foot position on the platform. It felt great. The depth on the goodmornings was outstanding. Overall, a very successful workout. 

I finished up with sprints and 10 minutes on the elliptical.

My diet yesterday was on plan. I started with 0.5 oz of bison liver and 1 oz of oysters, 6 oz of salmon, 5 eggs (1 duck), and ½ of an avocado. Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs (1 duck). Meal 3 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs (1 duck). I had yogurt and protein before early morning cardio and about 1 hours before bed. 

Tomorrow is back to upper body. Let’s go! 

~ Rick

WorkoutRick CartwrightWorkout