Upper Boday 9/11/2024

Today was upper boday and I had good focus. Here is the workout:

Hammer Chest Press: 90 x10, 180 x4, 235 x5, 235 x5-, 235 x5-
Weighted chin-ups : (pulldown for warmups) 60 x10, 120 x5 Chins: +25 x6-, +25 x5, +25 x5

Pec Deck: 185 x6-, 185 x4, 185 x4
Chest Supported DB Rows: 100 x4, 100 x5-, 100 x5

True Side Lateral: 140 x5, 140 x5, 140 x5
Pec Deck Rev Delts: 96 x6, 100 x5, 100 x5

Hammer Overhead Press 100 x4, 100 x4, 100 x4
Seated Rows (wide grip straight bar): 90 x8, 110 x6, 110 x8

Rope Ext: 117.5 x4, 117.5 x5
Leaning Hammer curl (one arm): 45 x4, 45 x4

Weighted Chruch 140 x8, 140 x8, 140 x8

Another good upper body workout with some increases in weight or reps. The chest-supported rows felt heavy.

My diet yesterday was on plan. I started with 0.5 oz of bison liver and 1 oz of oysters, 10 oz of bison, and 4 eggs (one duck). Meal 2 was 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs (1 duck). Meal 3 was also 10 oz of bison and 4 eggs (1 duck). I had yogurt and protein before my morning workout and about 2 hours before bed.

My body fat today was back down to between 16 and 17 pounds. Go figure. Weight is stable.

Legs tomorrow… can’t wait.

~ Rick

WorkoutRick CartwrightWorkout