Upper Body 9/2/2024

Everything felt heavy today, but I still made progress. My workout today:

Cable chest press 40x15, 100x5, 145 x5-, 145 x4-, 142.5 x5
Seated Cable Row: 60x15, 130x5, 220x6, 220 x6, 220 x6

Cable Chest Fly: 130 x5-, 130 x6-, 130 x5
Weighted pullup (neutral grip): +35 x6-, +35 x5, +35 x5

Smith Machine OH Press: +60 x6, +60 x6, +60 x6
15° Trap Shrugs: 500 x4, 300 x5, 300 x5

Single Arm Cable Side Lateral: 62.5 x6, 62.5 x 5, 62.5 x 5
Face Pull, Seated:195 x6, 195 x6, 195 x7

Rope Pushdown: 112.5 x7, 112.5 x7
Precher Curl Machine: 75 x5, 75 x5

Weighted Chruch 135 x13, 135 x13, 135 x13

While everything felt heavy, the range of motion was good. I will work on better form for the pull-ups, but overall it was a positive workout. No serious PRs but I am happy.

My weight is stable now .. running between 177 to 179 most days. I tend to be around 178 most of the time. This is lighter than I would liike, but the body fat is my primary measurement. It’s in that 16 6o 17 lb range. I like it at 16 lbs. I have been seeing readings under 16 frequently so I will keep my intake about the same.

Tomorrow is leg day. I plan to take it slow with deadlifts this week, but I’ll squat my normal weight. Have a good day!

~ Rick