Lower Body / Leg Day 9/7/2024

I was really excited to get back to lifting heavy RDLs. Today was the day to be more aggressive. Here is the results:

RDL: 135 x5, 225 x4, 315 x 4, 315 x 4, 315 x 4
Front Squats: 95x4, 115x4, 140 x4, 135 x4, 125 x4
Seated Calves:140 x15, 200 x5, 300 x6, 300 x6, 300 x6

Old Leg Ext: 170 x 6, 170 x 6, 170 x6
Lying Leg Curl: 100 x6, 100 x6, 100 x6
LP Calves: 271 x10, 271 x10, 271 x10

Hanging Leg Raise: 20# ball x8, 8, 10

Reverse Hyper 410 x10, 410 x10, 410 x12

I finished off with 8 sets of sprints using a 135 lbs on the sled and 10 minutes on the elliptical.

What a great workout. I had a lot left in the tank on the RDLs so I’ll push toward my PRs on RDLs next week. I took the front squats lower and slower today. I think I have gains to make by going deeper on this technical lift. Overall it was a treat workout.

My food intake yesterday was a little more than my current baseline. I had some yogurt and protein pre-workout. Post workout was 0.5 oz of bison liver and 1 oz of oysters, ground bison (11 oz) , 4 eggs (one duck). Meal 2 was 11 oz of ground bison and 4 eggs (one duck). Meal 3 was ground bison (11 oz) , 4 eggs (one duck). I finished the day with a little yogurt and protein about 1.5 hours before bed time.

My weight was up a little this morning, but that is likely water. Same with bodyfat levels.

I did walk about 17,000 steps yesterday.

I am trying to add more details to these logs. Let me know if they are helpful or at least useful.

~ Rick