Lower Body / Leg Day 1/10/2025

After that difficult and less than great workout yesterday this leg workout was amazing. I was able to progress on every set and it felt great. The details: follow:

I started with a set of light leg extensions, leg curls, lseated calf and bar only RDLs.

RDL: 135 x5, 245 x3, 325 x5, 325 x5 (smooth and great ROM) Front Squats: 95x4, 115x3, 145 x5, 145 x5 (great ROM / depth) LP Calf: 198 x6, 266 x4, 385 x8, 385 x8

Leg Ext: 195 x5, 195 x5. Lying Leg Curl: 115 x6-, 115 x5- LP Calf: 385 x8, 385 x8

Hanging Leg Raise: 25# ball x18, 18, 18

Reverse Hyper 340 x19, 8, 8

Then 3 sets as follows:

Knees over toes work - 3 sets of 20,

Some hopping including one legged versions.

I finished off with 8 sets of sprints using a 135 lbs sled and 13 minutes on the elliptical.

This workout felt amazing. I ways frustrated wiith the workout yesterdays but consistency in showing up pays off. Everything felt strong and smooth today.

My diet yesterday was on track. I started with 0.6 oz of bison liver, 0.7 oz of oysters, 1 can of sardines, 10 oz of ground bison / beef mix, a tablespoon for MCT, and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison / beef mix and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was a 12 oz sirllon steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before early morning workout with a tablespoon of MCT. About 1 hours before bed I had more yogurt and protein.

I walked just over 13,000 steps yesterday. My weight was 182.3 pounds. Body fat is staying consistent but I today it showed a slight interest .. likely just noise.

~ Rick