Lower Body / Leg Day 1/8/2025

One of my goal is to accumulate amazing workotus .. and this was another great leg day. Great because I was able to make small progress and over time small improvements lead to great gains. Workout details follow:

My warmup’s started with a set of leg extensions, leg curls and calfs to warm up .. light and easy.

New Hack Squats: +0 warmup's x5, +50 x4, +130 x4, +130 x5
Good Mornings: 90 x6, 155 x5, 215 x4,515 x6
LP calfs :198 x6, 266 x4, 385 x7, 385 x7

Leg Ext: 195 x4, 195 x4 all with w/ pause at top & bottomTrue Seated
Leg Curl: 155 x5, 155 x6- w/ pause at top & bottom
LP Calves: 385 x7, 385 x7

Hanging Leg Rise +25# x 17, 17, 17
Reverse Hyper 320- x13, 13, 13
Hoping (including one leg hops ) and Knees Over Toes stuff

I should have gotten 5 on the fist set of hacks but I missed it. The Good mornings were great today .. super depth. I loved this workout.

My diet yesterday was to plan. I started with with 0.5 oz of bison liver and 0.7 oz of oysters, 10 oz of ground bison / ground beef mix, a tablespoon of MCT and 4 eggs. Meal 2 was 10 oz of ground bison/beef and 4 eggs. Meal 3 was a 7 oz bison sirlon steak and 4 eggs. I had yogurt and protein before the early morning cardio with a tablespoon of MCT. About 1 hour before bed I had yogurt and protein.

My step count was 12,400 steps.. My weight today was 182.2 pounds and my average bodyfat was 16.4 pounds.

~ Rick