Chest & Shoulders 3/27/2025

Today was chest, sholders and abs. In the future it will be HIIT day as well, but since I did that yesterady, I just did elliptical. Let's start with what I did today:

  • Incline smith press: 3 sets. Wanted to get to failure but I was short of that on the 1st set. The 2ne and 3rd were better but I still think I can do better.
  • Cable Fly: 2 sets. This is standing and pulling the cable from the fly position to a squeese in a lower position. It felt great. Again, the goal is faliure.
  • Include bench cable fly: 2 sets with a focus on the queeze not on faliure. This was suppose to be a press but it was more of a fly.
  • Cable Side Laterals: 2 sets to failure. This was lighter than I was doing them with a focus on feeling the weight and holding it at the top.
  • DB rear Fly, chest suupported: 2 sets to failure. This feels much better than how I was doing them. I mean, the traget muscle really was engaged.
  • Cable crunch: 3 sets.
  • I finsiehd with 20 minutes on the elliptical.

This workout felt great. I need to improve on pushing past failure but it is getting better.

I am not seeing any DOMs from these workouts, including that leg workout yesterday. I think that is due to eating low carbs / carnivore, plenty of calories and good sleep. I am feeling great and recovering every day.

My food intake yesterday:

  • Pre-workout I had a 1.5 servings of yogurt, a scoop of meal replacment mix (HLTH Code).
  • Meal 1 was 6 ox of salmon, ½ serving of yogurt and 4 eggs.
  • Meal 2 was 10.5 oz of ground beef / bison mix and 4 eggs.
  • Meal 3 was 10.5 oz of ground beef / bison mix and 4 eggs.
  • Two hour before bed I had a serving of yogurt and a scoop of protein.

My weight this morning was 184.8 pounds. My step count yesterday was 14,436. Fat is holding study but I don't have an update.

~ Rick