Today is a day for rest and recovery. I started with a 30-minute walk, and will do a couple more walks today, but I will not do any strength training. I often will add some flexibility and mobility, but nothing more. My food intake today will be at maintenance levels.
My body fat level this morning was 8.7%. The total fat was 15.4 lbs. That is the lowest it has even been. I am not crazy enough to believe this scale is that accurate, but I do trust it for trends. My body weight is lower than I like right now, but my focus is to stay lean until next spring. I will consider a lean bulk then. I feel good at this level of leanness and my strength is going up again, even at a lower body weight. That makes me happy.
I am also happy with most of my health markers. My blood pressure today was 111 / 56 at a heart rate of 56 bpm. My AM glucose, post my walk, was 95. I would love to see it a little lower, but tend to run a little higher on carnivore. I was lower on ketones today than normal. I usually run .3 to .5, but today it was only 0.1.
I started today with 6 oz of salmon, 5 eggs (2 duck, 3 chicken, ½ avocado (don’t freak out .. not carnivore, but I like to add them now and then .. not every day)., 1 oz of bison liver, 1 oz of oysters, and salt. The next two meals will be about 10 oz of ground bison / beef mix and 4 eggs (1 duck) for each meal.
I have been experimenting with a little fat-free yogurt, and a scoop of protein when I wake up pre-workout. I added that to help me find a stable weight. It helped.. I will keep it in for a while.
That is my update for the day. Have a great week!
~ Rick