Upper Body 8/19/2024
What a great upper body workout! I made progress on every exercise for every set. Those days don’t happen all the time, but today was one of those days. Let’s get into what I did:
Cable chest press 40x15, 100x5, 140 x5, 140 x5, 140 x5
Seated Cable Row: 60x15, 130x5, 220x4, 220 x4, 220 x4:
Cable Chest Fly: 127.5 x5, 127.5 x5, 127.5 x5
Weighted pullup (neutral grip): +35 x4, +35 x4, +35 x4
Smith Machine OH Press: +60 x4, +60 x4, +60 x4
15° Trap Shrugs: 290 x4, 290 x4, 290 x5
Single Arm Cable Side Lateral: 55 x6, 60 x 6, 60 x 6
Face Pull, Seated:140 x10, 170 x8, 180 x8
Rope Pushdown: 145 x7, 145 x5
Precher Curl Machine: 70 x5, 70 x5
Weighted Chruch 130x13, 130x13, 130x13
My weight was up a little today. I assume that was a combination of water and less movement yesterday (it rained). I felt great today. The plan is to continue with the current maintenance intake levels and working for strength gains.
~ Rick