Upper Body 8/23/2024

I had another great workout. My strength continues to recover and has even moved past some of my PRs prior to the mini-cut. I am very pleased with my progress. Here is the results of my workout today.

True Chest Press: 40 x15, 130 x5, 205 x5-, 205 x4, 200 x5
True Row: 40 x15, 130 x5, 225 x6, 225 x5, 225 x6

Pec Deck: 180 x6-, 180 x5, 180 x5-
True Pull-down: 200 x6-, 200 x6-, 200 x6-

True seated OH Press: 110 x5, 115 x 5, 115 x5
15° Trap Shrugs: 290x6, 290 x6, 290 x6

The equipment I use for Cable Side Laterals was not available,so I used dumbbells.

Seated DB laterals: 25 x 6, 25 x 7, 25 x 7
Y Rise: 55 x5, 55 x5, 55 x5

Weighted Leg +20# ball x6, x7, x7

Tomorrow is legs and I am excited to kill it.

~ Rick