Leg Day 8/3/2024

Today was a great leg day. I didn’t get a normall night of sleep last night and was concerned about the workout. Once I started moving, it turned into an amazing training session.

Regardless of the workout, I always start with a warmup. Most of my warmups are just a couple sets of the 1st exercise for a body part. Today The warmup was a set of leg extensions, a set of seated leg curls, 10 reps of RDL with just the bar, and a light set of seated calves raises. Then I just some accending weight warmups. Here is the workout:

RDL: 135x5, 225x4, 340x5, 340x5, 340x5
Front Squats: 95x4, 115x4, 145x5, 145x4, 140x4
Seated Calves:140x15,200x6, 280x7, 280x6, 280x6

Note: Yes, I start with more warmups then 3 working sets.

These sets were doing in a giant set. I do RDL, then Front Squat, then seated calves .. rinse, and repeat

True Leg Ext: 255x6, 255x6, 255x7
Lying Leg Curl: 113x5, 113x4, 113x4
LP Calves: 232x11, 232x13, 232x13

Note: I don't take more warmups .. right into working sets here

I finished up with 3 sets of reverse hypers using 360 lbs, 3 sets of hanging abs with a 10 lb ball between my feet and some jumps.

~ Rick

Rick Cartwright